Perspective Matters

Perspective Matters

Finding the Beauty Around You!

Philippians 4:8

New International Version (NIV)

8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things.

Perspective is a choice. Our attitudes, opinions, and points of view are built over time. The things we choose to place emphasis on directly impact our outlook.

For example, one of my hobbies is photography. I dearly love to find interesting and beautiful things to photograph and share with others. Whether I’m driving my car, taking a walk, or simply sitting on my patio, it is my habit to almost constantly search for great setups for pictures. I so enjoy seeing beauty and capturing it to share.

Yesterday afternoon was rainy in the Missouri Ozarks. During the late afternoon/early evening, the rain stopped and the skies cleared. The colors in the sky were spectacular, and I drove to a lake outside of town to take a few pictures as the sun sank behind the Ozark Mountains. Sunsets happen so quickly – and I was rushing to try to get a few good shots. The skies over the water were truly breathtaking, and I marveled at the beauty. When I got home, I eagerly looked through the pictures I had taken and was a little disappointed to see some of the beautiful scenes interrupted by multiple power lines I hadn’t even noticed when setting up the shots. As I said, I had been in a hurry and with all of the amazing beauty I simply had not seen the power lines until I got home. The pictures highlighted what I hadn’t even noticed – because I was so focused on the beauty around me.

I’ve heard that there are two sides to every story, and I definitely agree. We each view the world and even our daily events through our own lens (built over time by our backgrounds, our priorities, our choices, and our experiences) – and sometimes the interpretations and outcomes are amazingly different. It’s a little bit like the old “Gossip” game that has been played in classrooms and other group gatherings for years. Do you remember? Everyone stands in a circle and the leader whispers a made up “secret” into someone’s ear. That person then whispers it to the next, and the next person passes it on. The whispered secret travels quietly around the entire circle, one person at a time. The last person has to state out loud to everyone what the secret is – and it is always fun to see how the sentence has completely changed as it goes around the group.

Different interpretations of real-life situations happen as well. I remember a time several years ago when I was having lunch with a friend after church. We both mentioned that we had enjoyed the pastor’s sermon that morning and started discussing the points he had made. That’s when we realized we had each sat in the same church service but had somehow heard very different messages. Neither were incorrect – but our interpretations and personalizations of the message were very, very unique. PERSPECTIVE makes the difference!

Finding the positives, the beauty, can sometimes be difficult. When I took the pictures displayed at the top of this post, I was so delighted by the beautiful colors in the sunset blending with the brilliant red roses. I was absolutely thrilled with those shots, and I eagerly posted them for my Facebook friends to see. I laughed out loud when one friend, Vicki, asked if I had laid down on the ground to get a shot from that angle. To tell the truth, she was almost correct! (Good eye, Vicki!) I had knelt down on my knees, low on the pavement and took about 12-15 different shots before I found the angle that worked for me. I’m sure I must have looked so silly to passers by…..but I worked diligently to find the most beautiful vantage point.

Walking by at a normal viewpoint, this is that exact same spot. Go back to the second picture above. You can see this crosswalk sign behind the roses.

Finding the beauty is a challenge I strive for every day. It’s always there. Changing your perspective can change your life! Truthfully, sometimes you have to get down to look up. Sometimes you have to focus on one thing when many distractions are buzzing around you. Sometimes you even have to be willing to be a little silly!

Do the work!

It is well worth it.

3 Replies to “Perspective Matters”

  1. Well stated. Reminds me of the old saying, you get out of it what you put into it!

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