Managing My Perspective

I love the blessings and beauty of nature! Anyone who knows me well knows that I enjoy photographing and celebrating beautiful, unspoiled scenes.

When I first bought my current home, one of the selling points was the privacy, solitude, and quiet of the views behind the property. I absolutely loved sitting on my back patio. The land behind my home was wooded – so I had the luxury of watching the leaves change every fall, of watching snow fall among the trees, of seeing the grasses and leaves bud out every spring, and of watching the trees sway peacefully whenever the wind blew. It was all so peaceful and lovely.

Then, a nearby resort decided to build multi-level condos on that property – almost in my back yard. I was so upset when I first heard it – and the thought of losing those lovely views made me incredibly sad. After feeling sorry for myself for a few days, I firmly made up my mind to make the best of things and find the positives to focus on about the new development. I will admit – it was a little challenging at first. I could talk about some sad moments I had, grieving about what was being lost…..but what purpose would that serve? In the end, with a little effort – I found so many good things!

As it turns out, the lights from the completed resort are actually quite pleasant – and now make things much nicer when I sit on my patio in the evenings. The landscaping and upkeep are very well-done so it’s overall very pretty to see. I was pleased to find that the birds, the squirrels, the deer, and the other wildlife I was accustomed to are still around regularly, dropping by in the early mornings and late evenings routinely. You want to know the best part? It is absolutely wonderful to see and hear families coming and going on vacation – just enjoying one another and having fun.

During the recent months of the pandemic quarantine, things were back to being quiet again. The resort sat vacant, and our little tourist town of Branson was strangely empty. I could once again sit on my patio with no cars driving back and forth, no voices interrupting the solitude, no noisy children playing, no people coming and going……it was in some ways back to the way it used to be……and you know what? I missed it all!!!

Sitting on my patio now as I type, I have to smile. The peace and quiet have once again been replaced…..with so many wonderful sounds!!! Just a bit ago, one family of young teens was playing basketball at the nearby court. I smiled as I heard them giving each other grief, laughing, and enjoying the afternoon. Shortly after they gave up the game and disappeared inside, two little girls emerged to play on the playground. The thin little girl all in black who obviously much preferred climbing up the slides to sliding down them – and the tiny determined little girl dressed all in bright purple who practiced throwing a bright blue kickball over and over – trying so hard to get it up and through the basketball goal. As I’m writing now, two older gentlemen have emerged from the condo they are sharing with their wives and are carefully tending a meal on one of the resort’s charcoal grills. It’s fairly hot out – but they are sitting in the shade, enjoying one another’s company, and carefully checking the grill routinely. Whatever they are cooking smells wonderful – and every few minutes one of their wives walks out of their fourth floor condo to peer off the balcony, call down, and see how things are going. I’m smiling again!

The birds are chirping and the breeze is blowing, so it’s very pleasant. I can also hear muffled traffic sounds from the nearby world famous 76 Strip – people driving back and forth to see the sights. A few times each hour, a helicopter flies over carrying tourists toward Table Rock Lake. Every 20 minutes or so, I can hear the “volcano” erupt at Dinosaur Canyon Mini Golf a mile or so away, probably startling and delighting the guests playing there. (smiling again!) The young attendant at the resort occasionally comes racing down the street behind me at a high rate of speed in his golf cart, always with his left foot dangling happily out to the side and bouncing against the cart. (Who wouldn’t smile when you see that? 🙂 )

There was a time when all the noises and distractions could have bothered me. I’m so glad I made up my mind to see the positives. Sitting here by myself on my patio, I do not feel alone. I feel surrounded by people having fun. People who smile and wave as they drive by, people who are working together to have fun and celebrate life.

I am smiling again.

I hope you are also.

Looking Ahead

Looking Ahead!

I went for a walk by the lake this morning with a friend.

As I often do when walking by myself, I hopped up onto a parking curb and walked the length of it putting one foot in front of the other. When I reached the end I paused, looked ahead to the next curb, and stepped across the gap without touching the ground. My friend chuckled when she saw me – a 50+ year old woman playing tightrope on parking curbs in broad daylight…..but I didn’t care and just kept on going. After a moment, I smiled to myself as I heard her step up onto the parking curb behind me to give it a try herself. Finding it a bit more challenging than she thought, she hesitated when she nearly lost her balance. “Always look ahead!”, I called back to her. “Don’t look at where you are – look ahead to where you’re going. It makes it easier!” She tried it – and it worked instantly. She too began stepping from curb to curb behind me, trying to walk the entire line without touching the ground. (I only stepped off twice.) It was fun!

As I walked, I thought about the advice I had given to my friend – and how much it actually applies to life.

“Don’t look at where you are…!”

Looking down at our feet throws us off balance and leaves us unprepared for what lies ahead. When we’re looking forward to see where we’re going, we walk more confidently and successfully.

Our lives can often be fairly hectic – filled with bills, decisions, responsibilities, news reports, and the many stresses of life today….If we focus our attention mainly on those things, on where we are, our days can be pretty difficult. Even things that are supposed to be fun can be disappointing!

“… look ahead to where you’re going.”

Setting goals helps us keep our eyes on what’s ahead. One of my favorite Bible verses is Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no vision, the people perish…” This verse can be interpreted in different ways, but I like to think that it means we should have vision for the future, that we should set goals and work toward them excitedly and expectantly. My goals perhaps aren’t always particularly impressive to hear – but they are motivating to me – and they keep me looking ahead to better things.

When I broke my arm this past February, I had no idea how long it would take that arm to feel normal again. I had never broken a bone – so in my ignorance I thought the doctor set your arm, you wore a cast, you got it off, you did therapy for a few weeks and you were good to go forever. This has not been the case at all with me. The break in my arm healed, the cast/splint was removed, and I was sent home with a printed paper explaining the therapy exercises I should do. (Due to COVID-19, supervised therapy was not recommended.) I did the exercises and truthfully they didn’t seem to help at all. I reached out to friends and tried other exercises they suggested. These helped a bit more and I was grateful – but my right arm (my dominant arm) still had a long way to go! I had trouble writing. I had trouble typing. I had trouble driving. I couldn’t even open the door to my car without great effort! My arm was in pain much of the time. Most of my normal day-to-day activities were hampered by my temporarily handicapped arm. So, I kept on working. I tried some new strength building exercises. I researched essential oils to help with healing and applied them daily….and each day my arm gets a little bit better. It’s on the mend! I can now type (obviously! 🙂 ). I can write. I can open the car door. I can drive….

Why did I keep on looking for ways to make my arm better? Because I KNEW it would be fine one day – and I wanted to work to make that happen as soon as possible! I didn’t focus on where I was – I looked ahead happily to the day my arm is back to normal.

It makes it easier!”

How does looking ahead with vision and a good attitude make things easier? Life is happier when we are thinking and planning on good things!

For example, it’s supposed to rain here much of the day tomorrow. So……I can’t go to the pool for a swim. I can’t go for my morning walk. I can’t work in my flower bed.

Hmmmmmm….that means I can plan on a cozy slow morning indoors! I love to read. That sounds like a good option for tomorrow! For some reason, I always enjoy cooking and baking more when the rain is falling outside. I’m already thinking about what to make! Sounds fun! If I’m going to be home in the morning, I don’t have to put on makeup when I wake up! Yay! Another win! I love to write. Maybe I can squeeze in some time for that while it’s raining. Wow! It’s already sounding like a great day! I’m excited!

Choosing to think on good things is sometimes more difficult than others – but it’s worth the effort. It doesn’t mean we should ignore the bills, the responsibilities, the decisions – it just means we should work to not get mired down in them. Worrying about them doesn’t make them go away. In fact, it doesn’t really accomplish anything at all…..but choosing to think on good things can definitely have a positive effect! Try it!

Oh, and by the way, the next time you see a parking curb – step up and see if you can walk the length of it tightrope style.

Go on.

I dare you!

But be careful – seriously…broken bones are no fun! 🙂

(And no – that’s not how I broke my arm! 🙂 No parking curbs were involved in my fall! )