Many years ago, I decided that someday I would write a book and title it “Glimpses of Excellence”…..but I’ll tell you more about that in another blog on another day. I’m getting a little ahead of myself…
Even though I’m off work right now for Christmas break, I’ve stayed quite busy. Despite all the demands of the day, I have been allowing myself the wonderful luxury of sleeping in late….until this morning…
I set my alarm to wake up early today, because I had an early morning appointment about 50 miles from home. I’ll be honest, mornings are definitely not my best time – I’m much more of a night owl – so anytime I have to get up and about early it’s a bit of a challenge for me. (Okay, probably a big challenge!) Still, I made it out the door just a few minutes past the goal I had set for leaving, got settled in the car, and ordered breakfast on my Chick-Fil-A app. (I absolutely love their breakfast bowls!) Thinking it might save time, I chose inside pickup rather than drive-through, clicked the final “submit” on the order, and headed off to meet the day.
There were beautiful clouds in the skies this morning – not fluffy white pillows in a bright blue sky, but slowly rolling dark shadows crowded together against a muted, blue-gray canvas.

When I arrived at Chick-Fil-A and parked, rain had just started sprinkling down. The parking lot was full, and the restaurant was busy. My mind was also busy – thinking about my goals for the day, planning my schedule, and mentally listing tasks needing completion. As I hopped out of the car to rush in and get my order, the skies opened up and the rain started pelting down. Dashing inside the restaurant, I was greeted warmly by an employee who was standing near the front door. “Do you have an umbrella?” the young man asked. “No, I didn’t bring one with me – didn’t know it was going to rain today!” I replied over my shoulder as I walked over to pick up my waiting order. While I did, he calmly walked into the entryway, unlocked a small closet, and took out an oversized umbrella. As I hurried back toward the front door, he said “I’ll walk you to your car.” Stepping out in the rain, he held the umbrella more over me and my breakfast order than over himself. Smiling as I jumped into the car, I called out a quick but sincere thank-you as he turned and headed back to the restaurant.
You know what? That small act of unexpected kindness made my day! My busy morning was brightened considerably because this young man went the extra mile to show concern for me….because he put out extra unrequested effort to make my day better. What a wonderful glimpse of excellence!
That act of kindness has stayed in my thoughts all day because it was significant to me. It was over and beyond what I would have expected, it was very impressive, and it made a difference. It touched my heart! I wonder what simple opportunities I miss to help others, to show kindness, to make a positive impact? In what ways can I show excellence? I’m going to try to work on that!
It’s little things like this that make Chick-fil-A so popular and is part of their culture. Not born of a plan to make them money, but because the founders were Christ followers who put their faith that deeply into the business.
I went through training at Mercy that included a video by Bob Ferrell of Ferrell Ice Cream Parlours on his book “Give Them the Pickle.” It was about how the smallest acts can make the biggest difference in the day or even the life of a person.
I catch myself nowadays passing someone in an environment where a mask is required giving them my standard “smile” and eye contact as we meet. It’s long been my habit and now I wonder if it has the same effect with the lower half of my face being covered.
But I still do it. It costs nothing and maybe that person will see the smile in my eyes and it will be just what they need to get them through the next hour, day, or week…
Exactly! Often it’s the little things…
And thanks for telling me about Mr. Ferrell’s book! I love books like that – and I loved going to Ferrell’s when I was a kid!
This is so good. I laughed and I almost cried with your kind words.
God has given you a talent and I hope someday you can use it the way you desire to do.
Thank you, Aunt Helen. That means a lot to me. ❤
Thank you, Aunt Helen! That means a lot to me! ❤️
Loved this! Kindness and thoughtfulness of this young man is well expressed in your post.
Thank you, Betty! It was (in some ways) such a small thing – but it meant a lot to me!
Great story that we can all learn from and apply in our lives!
Thank you, Amy!
I really appreciate what you wrote. Our world might see more of this wonderful behavior if we adults consistently modeled similar choices. What a more pleasant world we would enjoy!