Glimpses of Excellence – A Hero With a Servant’s Heart

In January of this year, I was sound asleep at home one night when I received word that my precious Mother had broken her leg and was being transported by ambulance to a local hospital. Having just recovered from COVID, I was a little wobbly as I hurriedly threw on some clothes and rushed to my car to make the hour-long drive to Mother. When I got to the emergency room, they had the leg stabilized and her pain controlled….but explained that Mother would need specialty surgery as soon as possible. The doctor said she would be transported to a bigger facility in Little Rock first thing the next morning. Mother and I settled in for the night – grateful (during heavy days of COVID) that we could be together as we waited.

The next morning when the EMT’s came to pick Mother up for transport, I told them I would be following all the way. I wasn’t exactly certain where we were going – so I knew I wanted to keep that ambulance in my sight on the drive….and I wanted Mother to know I would be close at hand. I planned on diligently following right behind. They loaded Mother into the ambulance, and I told her I would see her in Little Rock and that I would be praying the trip went well.

It’s funny how sometimes, even as an adult, we can feel so small, and lonely, and scared – like a little girl wishing desperately for someone to reach out and help us – but knowing we have to go on, to face whatever situation has presented itself, relying on our Lord to see us through.

That’s definitely how I felt as the ambulance carrying my Mother pulled out onto highway 62 just after 9:00 that Wednesday morning with me following. Less than one mile into the trip, the “low tire” warning light came on – indicating that my right rear tire was low. This immediately added stress to an already difficult morning – because I (of course) didn’t have time to stop and find someone to help me with the tire – I wanted to stay with that ambulance…..but I also knew I didn’t need to drive on a tire going flat! I didn’t know what to do or who to call, so I pondered it over and said a quick prayer….

As our tiny convoy headed through Alpena, Arkansas, I called Ozark Auto Body in Harrison about 15 minutes away. I quickly explained the situation and how I didn’t want to lose the ambulance, asking if they possibly had a pump to air up my tires. They assured me they would “be ready and watching for me”. I felt immediate relief, because I know the team of folks at Ozark Auto Body. They’re top notch – always incredibly busy (because they’re good!) and always providing reliable, honest service for their customers.

I was still concerned, however….. You see, Ozark Auto Body is located on the OLD highway that travels through downtown Harrison. The ambulance, I knew, would turn left and take the more direct route on the bypass – and I didn’t want to lose them. I had no choice of course – so I sped up a bit and passed the ambulance, trying to gain a little ground. I had gotten just a little bit ahead when I came to the intersection of Highway 65 and old Business 65. I stayed straight onto the old highway and in less than a minute I had my blinker on to turn right into Ozark Auto Body’s crowded lot.

Let me stop here a minute to say that I have never seen Ozark Auto Body on a weekday when it wasn’t busy – and this day was no exception. In fact, it’s often difficult to even find a parking place. On this morning however, as I flipped on my turn signal (before I had even turned off the highway), I saw Donnie running out of the building with an air tank in his hand….waving me to a place easy to pull in and easy to get back out on the road. Busy as they were, they truly had been watching for me. I had barely stopped when he started airing up that back right tire. While he was working with it, someone else was checking my other tires – and literally in just a few moments all four tires were aired up and safely ready to go – they quickly waved me on as I tried to thank them. I hurriedly pulled back onto the road and was on my way. It felt like a pit stop at Daytona – quick, efficient, and incredibly impressive.

I headed on, turned left to cut back over to the bypass, and pulled out literally right behind the ambulance as if it had all been perfectly planned. Isn’t God good?

I will forever be grateful to Donnie and the entire team at Ozark Auto Body. They have helped me out many times through the years, but none will ever stand out as much as that day. I teared up when I saw him waving me in that morning – pausing his very busy work day to have the air tank ready to go, to watch for me to arrive, and be ready to provide help. That lost little girl feeling went away as I was reminded that there are kind, wonderful people willing to give freely of their time just to help others.

That is an everyday hero – a true example of a glimpse of excellence.

Glimpses of Excellence – A Beautiful Bloom

Hospitals are unique places – in both positive and negative ways.  I’ve spent a lot of time in hospitals the past couple of years due to an ongoing family medical situation and those experiences have given me so many Glimpses of Excellence to share…. Here’s one of them..

One afternoon recently, I stepped into a hospital elevator and smiled at the young woman inside.  She seemed quiet, pleasant, and….tired.  I saw on her badge that she worked for the hospital food service, pushing a loaded warmer cart to deliver meals to hundreds of patients – then returning afterwards to their rooms to pick up all the empty trays and dishes.  I thought about how tired she must be at the end of her work day and wondered how many steps registered routinely on her FitBit.

“You have a hard job”, I commented.   “Oh no, I have an easy job.” she said quickly, smiling sweetly….then her smile slowly faded and she became visibly thoughtful.  “Well, actually sometimes it’s really hard going into some of those rooms”, she said quietly.  

I pondered her words for the rest of the day….realizing how very hard that could be…..  Her quiet comment made me thoughtful. I’m often a tiny bit nervous walking into a room where strangers are present.  I might even pause, collect myself, and take a breath before opening the door. This young lady not only has to brace herself to walk into a room full of strangers over and over every day….   She faces much greater difficulties – because she is walking into rooms where people are very sick,  perhaps dying, some all alone with no family or friends…. It would be a difficult thing to face….but she does it over and over every single day.

It also made me think about Irene.  Irene and her sister Miss. B clean rooms on the hospital wing where my mother was a patient for many weeks this year.  Irene is a rare gem, a bright glimpse of excellence, who faithfully does her job day after day, facing the same challenges as the young lady I met in the elevator. She is a tiny little thing with a bright smile and a big voice. She does her job well, cleaning with diligence and dedication – noticing details and always doing her best. She doesn’t just mop the floor – she scrubs it clean. That hospital room always felt so much better when she was finished – cleaner, brighter, and even more hopeful and cheerful.

That, in itself, is a wonderful example of excellence – but Irene always does so much more. First of all, she diligently makes it a point to learn the patient’s names, as well as family members who stay with them.  That’s no small task!  She learned not only my Mother’s name, but mine, our friends, and our family members who visited as well! Irene greeted us with sincere warmth each time she saw us. Every single day when she entered Mother’s hospital room, she would enthusiastically exclaim,  “Hello, Mrs. Jean!  How are you today?” with her beautiful accent and a broad smile on her face.  She would greet me as well (by name!) and would remember details of past conversations, following up on discussions, sharing her own life, and showing  genuine interest in and concern for both of us. We looked forward to her visits every day.

 There is an old saying I love that says to “bloom where you are planted”. Irene is definitely blooming – and like all beautiful flowers she is brightening the lives of many, providing beauty, encouragement, strength, and joy.

We should all try to do the same.

Thank you, Irene.  I am very grateful for the care you showed and the encouragement you provided.  I will never forget you.

Glimpses of Excellence – A Green Checkmark

the green checkmark

Excellence can come in so many different forms….I heard a sermon once from one of my favorite pastors that talked about the excellence involved in returning your shopping cart to the cart corral when you are finished with it. I liked that – because it’s such a simple thing to do that truly does show care and respect for others. As we’ve all heard so often, sometimes it’s the little things…

Last month, my mother and I arrived at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) for a busy day of appointments. Medical days can be tiring, stressful, and a bit overwhelming. When we finished our third appointment of the day, the doctor left and his nurse, Ryan, came in to walk us through the information (new medications, upcoming appointments, general facts, best practices, etc.) – all the things we would need to know in the days and weeks ahead. He discussed all of the points thoroughly, assuring us that he was also providing a printed copy of all the information we needed to take home, review, and reference. He thoughtfully provided not one but two neatly stapled identical packets – one for Mother and one for me – and we tucked them into our bags and hurried off to our next appointment.

While there, I received a call from Nurse Ryan, who said after consulting with others on the medical team, there had been some updates to the information packet after we left. He said he had reprinted two new copies and would be leaving them at the patient desk for us to pick up at our convenience. “I put a green checkmark on the first page of each of the new packets”, he said. “That way, when you get home you will know which to keep and which to throw away.”

A green checkmark… it seems like such a small thing, but I have thought a lot about this simple act, this choice he made to go above and beyond, several times since that day. When I emptied out my bag after returning home, there were many papers and leaflets collected throughout our visit – information I wanted to read and study, leaflets I was interested in scanning, and the packets of neatly stapled printed information we needed to keep. Tossing the original packets in the trash, I began reading through the updated packet – the one with the neat, circled green checkmark on the top. That small detail – that quick action – communicated caring, diligence, and even comfort.

Sometimes it IS the little things that matter the most.

Glimpses of Excellence – at my local Chick-Fil-A

Many years ago, I decided that someday I would write a book and title it “Glimpses of Excellence”…..but I’ll tell you more about that in another blog on another day. I’m getting a little ahead of myself…

Even though I’m off work right now for Christmas break, I’ve stayed quite busy. Despite all the demands of the day, I have been allowing myself the wonderful luxury of sleeping in late….until this morning…

I set my alarm to wake up early today, because I had an early morning appointment about 50 miles from home. I’ll be honest, mornings are definitely not my best time – I’m much more of a night owl – so anytime I have to get up and about early it’s a bit of a challenge for me. (Okay, probably a big challenge!) Still, I made it out the door just a few minutes past the goal I had set for leaving, got settled in the car, and ordered breakfast on my Chick-Fil-A app. (I absolutely love their breakfast bowls!) Thinking it might save time, I chose inside pickup rather than drive-through, clicked the final “submit” on the order, and headed off to meet the day.

There were beautiful clouds in the skies this morning – not fluffy white pillows in a bright blue sky, but slowly rolling dark shadows crowded together against a muted, blue-gray canvas.

cloudy skies

When I arrived at Chick-Fil-A and parked, rain had just started sprinkling down. The parking lot was full, and the restaurant was busy. My mind was also busy – thinking about my goals for the day, planning my schedule, and mentally listing tasks needing completion. As I hopped out of the car to rush in and get my order, the skies opened up and the rain started pelting down. Dashing inside the restaurant, I was greeted warmly by an employee who was standing near the front door. “Do you have an umbrella?” the young man asked. “No, I didn’t bring one with me – didn’t know it was going to rain today!” I replied over my shoulder as I walked over to pick up my waiting order. While I did, he calmly walked into the entryway, unlocked a small closet, and took out an oversized umbrella. As I hurried back toward the front door, he said “I’ll walk you to your car.” Stepping out in the rain, he held the umbrella more over me and my breakfast order than over himself. Smiling as I jumped into the car, I called out a quick but sincere thank-you as he turned and headed back to the restaurant.

You know what? That small act of unexpected kindness made my day! My busy morning was brightened considerably because this young man went the extra mile to show concern for me….because he put out extra unrequested effort to make my day better. What a wonderful glimpse of excellence!

That act of kindness has stayed in my thoughts all day because it was significant to me. It was over and beyond what I would have expected, it was very impressive, and it made a difference. It touched my heart! I wonder what simple opportunities I miss to help others, to show kindness, to make a positive impact? In what ways can I show excellence? I’m going to try to work on that!