My Friends in Winterset

Winterset, Iowa is quite a special little place. I am blessed to have several friends there – so I was so saddened when the news last night reported that a devastating tornado hit the little town yesterday afternoon. Actually I guess “friends” is a vague term – none of these friends I mentioned would actually even know my name or remember me at all….

Perhaps I’d better back up and start again….

Winterset is a small town of just over 5,000 people, located south of Iowa’s capital city of Des Moines in rural Madison County. There are a lot of great things to see and do there, and I’ve visited Winterset on several occasions…..but I will tell more about that another time.

Today, I am thinking about my friends…

I met my friend Bob on my very first trip to Winterset several years ago. I stopped by the Chamber of Commerce to see if there were any brochures, maps, or information they might share about touring the area sites. The young lady behind the desk enthusiastically told me that the best way to be introduced to Winterset was through one of their city tours if we had the time (typically about 2 – 3 hours). I immediately asked if we could schedule a tour for that afternoon. She smiled, thought for a minute, and said she would check with Bob, one of their tour guides, to see if he was available. Fortunately he was, and that afternoon I had a personal tour of the area with Bob – learning so much about Winterset – it’s history, points of interest, the people, businesses, and the culture. Early in the tour, we drove past a nice brick home on the right that sat back off the highway a bit. Bob not only pointed out that it was the home where he and his wife lived, but also told us about the home in detail – very proud of the life they had created there together. He was charming, enthusiastic, informative, and fun. When I heard the tornado yesterday had gone south and east of town, I breathed a sigh of relief. Bob’s home is located north and west of the city center.

Another friend in Winterset is a sweet lady who works at the John Wayne Birthplace Museum. I have visited the museum on two or three occasions through the years, and she is always behind the counter selling tickets and souvenirs. She is originally from the Springfield, Missouri area where I lived for over ten years – and we always visit about places and people we have in common when I’m there. I don’t remember her name, but I do remember her smile and her kindness.

On the city square, there was a very nice little boutique that I visited a couple of years ago. The owner was very kind and we chatted comfortably while I shopped – talking about Winterset, Branson, MO, her future plans to open an AirBnB upstairs above her shop… was such a pleasant afternoon. I took her business card (which I unfortunately have since misplaced) and told her I would call to see if her AirBnB was available on my next trip to Winterset.

My last friend is definitely the most unique and perhaps the most special – because we have never met at all…. Let me explain. My Mother and I were traveling home from a trip to Minnesota on I-35 one day and veered off to have lunch at the Northside Cafe on the Winterset city square. After lunch, Mother sat down on a bench outside for a few minutes….and unknowingly left her cell phone lying there when she walked away. We were an hour or more down the road before we discovered it was gone – and had no idea where it could be. Mentally retracing our steps as we drove along, we thought perhaps it could have been left at our table in the Northside cafe or on that city sidewalk bench. Calling the Northside first, no phone was located. Remembering the Chamber of Commerce office was down the block a ways from where Mother had sat, I searched for the number and gave them a call. The lady who answered was very kind – listening while I explained our predicament, then telling me to hold on while she went down the street to search. After several minutes, she was back with Mother’s phone in her hand. She took down our address and promised to put the phone in the mail to us the next day. I told her that I would send her a check for her trouble, but she refused saying she was glad to be of help. She gave me her personal cell phone number in case I needed to contact her. The next day, I received a text from her letting me know the phone had been shipped.

Each of these friends made an impression on me. Their kindness, their enthusiasm, their personalities are memorable to me…I said a prayer for each of them and their families yesterday evening and again this morning…..because they touched my life. They are my friends. I have no idea of their political affiliations, their religious beliefs, or their backgrounds. I just know that they are my friends, their community is hurting, and therefore I hurt with them.

One of my colleagues posted a question on Facebook a few days ago – “When are we going to realize that we all belong to the same human race?” It’s a powerful and profound question, Beth – and I hope we figure that out soon.

Matthew 22:37-39 Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

John 13:35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

I Corinthians 16:14 Do everything in love.

I John 14:19 We love because He first loved us.