I got up early to go to Silver Dollar City today…

I got up early to go to Silver Dollar City today….not because I wanted to be first in line to ride Wildfire or Mystic River Falls, or Time Traveler……and definitely not because I’m an early riser by nature……but because I love to be there in the mornings when the day first begins….when the storekeepers are just opening their doors, the craft booths are rolling up their curtains, the musicians are warming up their instruments, and the restaurants are firing up the grills……

There are so many different ways to enjoy the City. It’s a great theme park, and of course it has some fun rides for all ages to enjoy. Many people come just to ride those rides, while others come to enjoy the shopping, or the shows, or the crafts, or the cooking school, or the food, or the festivals….as I said, there is so much to see and do and pretty much everyone has a different perspective, a different routine when they visit.

It really is a unique and special place. I love the sights – the fall decorations, the pumpkins, the gorgeous plants, the rustic beauty. I love the sounds – children laughing, beautifully authentic music from local pickers and singers, the strike of the craftsman’s anvil at the forge, the waterfalls, the train whistle, the church bell. I enjoy the smells…of barbecue, burgers on the grill, fresh bread in the oven, the smells of the leather shop, the blacksmith shop…. The whole experience is always so wonderful.

If you’re ever there when the park opens, consider taking time for the opening ceremony. For me, it’s always special – both touching and inspiring – and well worth my time. I was there this morning, and even though I’ve seen the little ceremony before – it still always touches my heart.

A few years ago, a friend teased me a bit about living in Branson, Missouri – asking me if I didn’t think it was a little silly the way we honor veterans…..and policemen…….and firemen….and all first responders just about every chance we get. The question truly surprised me, and it made me a little sad for him….because I definitely don’t think it’s silly at all. They are heroes – willing to run toward danger, to risk their lives so that we can all safely enjoy our freedoms. I knew growing up, without a shadow of a doubt, that either of my parents would have given their life for me without hesitation if needed, and for that I am forever incredibly blessed and grateful. I am also blessed and grateful to know that strangers, individuals whom I have never met, are also willing to run toward danger, to give their own lives if needed, to protect me and my freedoms.

I’m happy to take the time to honor them, to thank them, to appreciate what they and their families gave up for all of us.

Would you like to see Silver Dollar City’s opening ceremony? I really, really hope you do. It’s only 6½ minutes long – and (to me) it’s just so wonderful to watch – people from all over the nation coming together for a few minutes to honor our country, our flag, and our veterans…

What a wonderful way to start our day!