Autumn Leaves
Dancing, floating, spinning, twirling…
Crunching, sparkling, swaying, turning…
Leaves are falling from the trees steadily in the Ozarks right now. Yards and sidewalks look as if they are covered with brilliant confetti… The leaves skitter and slide and dance about as the breezes come and go – and the landscapes have taken on a warm, cozy glow.
Some trees are still green, others are displaying their autumn brilliance, and a few have already shed their leaves completely in exchange for their crisp, stark winter attire.
There are joys to be found in the changing of seasons – brilliant beauty to be searched for and seen….and if we embrace it – there is also childlike fun.
Walking down a sidewalk on a day such as this – do you…
- carefully walk around the leaves keeping the dust off your shoes?
- walk by them without even paying attention?
- shyly or quietly walk through them, celebrating them just a bit but hoping no one will see?
- Or….embrace the moment and happily and intentionally crunch, crunch, crunch through the leaves taking a moment to celebrate the noises they make and the feel of them crackling beneath your shoes?
- Or perhaps – drag your feet happily – kicking up the leaves with a flourish on each step – not caring who sees you in your own little celebration of autumn fun?
I vote for the celebrations of choices “d” and “e” myself. Who says you’re only young once? Have fun and celebrate! Whatever you do – find your joy!
Let’s crunch some leaves! 🙂 Dare ya! 😊