The Garrison Studio – An Arkansas Treasure

A few years ago, I was spending a lot of my time on the 7th floor of UAMS hospital in Little Rock. My mother was there for treatment, and we were in the hospital off and on that year for visits lasting several weeks at a time. Mother and I would go for walks a couple of times every day to get out of her hospital room for a bit and to get a little exercise. The hospital hallway made a big loop around the floor. It was perfect for walking! There were beautiful paintings and framed photography hung along the corridors, giving us and the other patients something to see and talk about as we walked along. One painting in particular always caught both of our eyes. It was a standout favorite for both of us. The colors and use of light were so rich and serene and beautiful. We connected with it. It provided a moment of respite, of escape, of peaceful joy during a challenging situation every time we saw it.

As we journeyed through that year, that same painting continued to be a shared spot of joy for us whenever we were back in the hospital. I made a note of the artist’s name, Bill Garrison, telling myself I would research information about him one day when I had more time….I knew then that I would love to have one of his paintings someday…but didn’t really imagine that it would ever be possible for me….

Fast forward now to last year… When I finally did sit down to research this talented artist, I happily discovered that he lives in Russellville, Arkansas. I decided to visit the Bill Garrison gallery last summer, so I made the drive down Arkansas’ scenic highway 7 to the studio showcasing the works of both he and his wife, Gloria (also a wonderful artist!). I had no idea what to expect – and I was a bit nervous. I can sometimes feel timid when meeting new people and often feel awkward in unfamiliar situations and places.

Visiting a gallery was definitely not a familiar routine for me, and as I turned off the highway and drove down their lane, my confidence waned a bit. There was no need for worry, however. When I pulled up, Mr. and Mrs. Garrison came out to greet me like old friends. I instantly felt welcome and comfortable. We chatted for a few minutes then I walked into their studio…..and I was blown away. A large number of incredibly beautiful art was displayed all around the room, all beautifully framed by Mr. Garrison himself.

It was soon obvious that Arkansas is definitely Mr. Garrison’s inspiration. There were lovely scenes painted in locations from around the state all over the walls. Whenever I would exclaim about the beauty of a painting, Mr. Garrison would delightedly tell me exactly where he had found that particular scene to paint. In fact, he showed me that he always puts the GPS map coordinates on the back of each of his works to record where they were completed. I can’t even adequately describe how beautiful they all were…and since I love Arkansas, most every painting was a lovely celebration of my home state.

I knew I wanted to buy a painting – but the decision of which one was difficult! Did I want the beautiful picture of a field painted in Conway County – the county of my birth? Another tempting choice was a landscape of cool greens and blues showing a beautiful stream with trees shading the water and rocks. Another painting displayed a beautifully shaded, peaceful dirt road with spots of sunlight peaking through the canopy of trees. I truly loved them ALL. Mr. Garrison’s art is an Arkansas treasure!

I finally happily settled on a gorgeous work called “Spadra Autumn”. As the title suggests, it features beautiful fall colors and the light in the painting is just breathtaking. I couldn’t wait to get it home and hang it on my wall….and I have enjoyed it every day since. I find myself often taking the time to pause and study it a bit whenever I walk by. It brings me such joy!

Several weeks after buying the painting, I decided to drive down and see if I could locate the spot of this beautiful scene using Mr. Garrison’s GPS coordinates. According to the map, I was looking for a spot just north of Clarksville on a little county road. I was looking from side to side as I drove along slowly, knowing I must be getting close….As I was driving across a small low water bridge I looked to my left….and there was the scene from my painting. The colors were different, because it wasn’t fall yet, but it was still so recognizable and looked so instantly familiar to me. It made me smile – and it made my painting all the more meaningful and enjoyable to see where it had originated.

If you love art…..or Arkansas….or beauty….I highly recommend a trip to the Garrison “Treehouse Studios” Gallery in Russellville. Call for an appointment and head down to see these true Arkansas treasures. I look forward to going back someday myself!

Contact Information:

Treehouse Studios

Bill Garrison Fine Art

Treehouse Studios Website

Glimpses of Excellence – Efforts Truly Matter


Photo memories on my phone came up tonight – reminding me that two years ago was such an incredibly special evening. I thought I would tell you about it….because it is a dear and treasured memory for me….and because it displays a glimpse of excellence that I will explain.

Exactly two years ago this evening, my mother was living in a beautiful little apartment at an assisted living facility. She had only been there a couple of months, but she had already made many friends – including her three table mates in the dining room. Each resident had an assigned seat – and Mother had formed fast friendships with the folks at her table. She enjoyed visiting with them, but she also focused on listening to them and supporting them however she could. As her disease progressed, it became harder for her to walk to the dining area – and so she began eating in her room. She missed her friends and often wondered how they were doing.

Two years ago tonight, one of the nurses – a precious young woman named Victoria, organized a little dinner party. All of the people working there were so busy, but Victoria and some of the other wonderful caregivers found time to bring down tables and chairs to Mother’s apartment. They even had flowers and cheesecake and a little plant to give her as a gift. After setting up the room, they then delivered four carefully prepared meals from the kitchen – and Mother and her three table mates ate together happily in her room that evening. While they were eating and laughing and teasing and talking and catching up – I sat in the other room and just listened. I listened to the happy sounds and was filled with such joy and appreciation for all of the effort. They truly sounded like teenagers!


After they were gone, Mother chattered happily for quite a while – excited about the evening.

It may not seem like a lot (actually it does!) – carrying down tables….and chairs….and getting flowers….and cheesecake….and food….while serving everyone else and making sure all residents’ needs were attended to…

In fact, it was a lot – a lot of work, a lot of effort, and a lot of care. It was definitely going above and beyond….it was a true glimpse of excellence.

When the pictures came up in the photo memories on my phone tonight – I sat and smiled thinking back on that wonderful evening.

It is a precious, treasured memory – and I am forever grateful to each person who had a part in making it happen.

Efforts truly matter.

The Privilege of Prayer

Southern Sideboards cover

I said a little prayer for Mrs. Hunter Gates and her family this week. I guess that’s a little strange because I’ve never met Mrs. Gates, never spoken with her, and in truth I know almost nothing about her. In fact, I am not even certain that she is still living…

Okay, let me back up a bit…

I really enjoy cooking, and I like trying new recipes. It’s popular today to find recipes through internet searches – and I know that can provide a real convenience … .but for me, I much prefer tried and true recipes when I can….recipes that are shared from people – family, friends, or even strangers. Recipes that are handed down through generations – that have traveled with families as they moved about, that have been saved carefully because they are important. The connections these recipes provide make preparing and enjoying meals all the more significant and special. For example – baking a Mexican Chicken casserole using my Mam-ma’s recipe adds a whole new dimension to the cooking experience….connecting me to her, to all the times she baked and served and enjoyed that same casserole to dear family and friends…connecting me to wonderful, loving memories. I can close my eyes and be transported in my mind to her kitchen – smelling the wonderful smells and feeling the love that she shared.

Mexican Chicken Casserole

Preparing my “Creamy Tacos” recipe given to me by my mentor teacher, Marti Hancock, early in my teaching career connects me to her…..and to my teaching team at Branson Cedar Ridge….and to all the wonderful memories of my students during those years when I was learning the craft of my profession.

Creamy tacos

When I make baked eggs for breakfast, a unique and delicious recipe from my cousin Nicki Jean, I am reminded of all the Beeson quail breakfasts on Christmas mornings in Hattieville through the years – the first place I ever tried baked eggs…and it makes me smile and be thankful for those wonderful times.

baked eggs

When I travel, I often search for a local cookbook to bring home as a memento of the place I have visited. Each region of the country has such unique food preferences, cooking styles, and culture. I especially like church cookbooks or junior league cookbooks….because the recipes in these are carefully selected by folks who have taken great pride in preparing unique and delicious dishes for family and friends. The recipes they have chosen to be printed are some that they consider their best….and they are sharing them to bring joy to others.

When I visited Biloxi and Jackson, Mississippi many years ago (2008) for a t-ball tournament my nephew played in, I purchased a cookbook called “Southern Sideboards” which was organized and sold by the Junior League of Jackson, Mississippi. On page one, it states that it features “tested recipes”….and boy, they weren’t kidding. First published in 1978, the cookbook was in its 17th printing and was listed as a “Southern Living Hall of Fame” winner when I purchased it. Of all my cookbooks, it has become one of my very favorites through the years, because it’s so reliable! Every recipe I have prepared from this book has been so good.

Southern Sideboards Cookbook

This week, I tried a new one – “Wild Rice Quiche” by Mrs. Hunter Gates. I was looking for a new quiche recipe – and this one caught my eye because it was so unique…..and because I love wild rice. It was very easy to prepare, and it turned out to be delicious. I will make it again! (That’s the mark of a good recipe for me – will I make it again? If the answer is yes, that means it’s a winner!)

Okay….forgive me….back to the beginning. Whenever my sweet Mother prepared a recipe given to her by a friend or family member, she tried to always say a simple prayer for that person….and she taught me to do the same.

A great cook herself – Mother would often be asked for her recipes – and she would gladly share them. Many years ago, she began including a handwritten note at the end of each one.

“Please say a prayer for me when you make this recipe.”

It was a simple request – but such a very powerful one. Can I be honest? When I was younger, I was a little embarrassed when Mother started writing the little phrase on her recipe cards. I worried (too much!) about what people would think of it….thinking perhaps they would think it silly or inappropriate…

I’ve grown up – and I do not feel embarrassed of it anymore. Instead, I am very proud – and very grateful for her example and the lessons she taught me!

Please say a prayer for me...

In today’s world, social communication platforms, busy schedules, changing social norms, and even the media seem (in my opinion) sometimes bent on dividing us – on breaking down connections and in some ways even encouraging isolation.

Isn’t it much better when we enjoy, support, respect, and care about one another? More importantly, isn’t it a powerful and wonderful privilege and responsibility to pray for one another?

Many of us say a blessing over our meals, we pray for family and friends….and a lot of us say a prayer for strangers when we see an ambulance or emergency vehicle pass by. How fitting that we can also say a quick prayer for others when a trigger brings them to our mind….a trigger such as a recipe they have shared with us. I think it is actually a pretty great idea!

James 5:16

“Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working”

Ephesians 6:18

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

Beeson’s Grocery

Beeson's Grocery

For the first nine years of my life, I lived in the wonderful, cozy little community of Hattieville, Arkansas. Long before my time, Hattieville had boasted several businesses including a hotel, a school, a blacksmith shop, a livery, and more. However, when I was born in late ’60’s, the Hattieville I knew consisted of churches, a wonderful community building (the old school), the ball field, a post office…..and Beeson’s Grocery.

Beeson's Grocery

Much like the “Whistle Stop Cafe” in the old movie “Fried Green Tomatoes”, Beeson’s Grocery has been in many ways the heart of the town for over 100 years. The proud general store opened in 1892 and was purchased by my great-grandfather, Oscar Virgil Beeson a few years later. My great-granddad also purchased the house that sits beside the store, and made it his home. The adjoining properties became a treasured gathering place for family and friends through the years.

In the spring of 1951, while tending his garden located behind the store, my great-granddad suffered a heart attack and passed away – shocking his family and the community with the loss. From every story I have ever heard about him, he was a kind, intelligent, strong, and caring man. My Daddy and his brothers have told me many wonderful tales about their granddad – and I am grateful for those memories they shared with me…and honored to be his great-granddaughter. I know his death left a hole in the family.

Oscar Virgil Beeson, Sr.

But Beeson’s Grocery continued on…

His only son, Oscar Virgil “O.V.” Beeson, Jr., a former Marine, and his wife Bernie, a school teacher, settled into Hattieville to keep the family business alive. When I was a little girl growing up, going to the store was what you did in Hattieville. There was always someone to see and visit with….kids to play with….Coca-Colas out of the ice-cold chest cooler to drink, bologna or salami sandwiches to eat…and great stories to hear and enjoy. Like his father, O.V. was a kind and caring man. I’ve told the story before about the time when, as a first grader, I wrote a hot check at Beeson’s Grocery and loaded up on all kinds of treats. It’s pretty funny. Click here if you’re interested in that one. My uncle O.V. was a good man, and I loved him dearly.

Oscar Virgil "OV" Beeson, Jr.

When O.V. retired, his daughter Nicki Jean took over operations and ran the store for almost 30 years. Her sharp wit and fun personality brought even more charm and enjoyment to the grand old store.

Nicki Jean Beeson Mourot

The old wood stove near the back of the store was a place to pull up a chair and visit, eat a bite, or just sit and relax. It was warm and welcoming and homey and wonderful. For me, it was also special to know that family members I love, as well as many family members I never had the privilege of meeting because they were gone before I was born – had shopped and visited and laughed and eaten and gathered in that old store.

Beeson's Grocery

When I was nine, my parents and I moved away from Hattieville to northwest Arkansas because Daddy had gotten a new job. We always went back home to Hattieville several times a year to see family and friends, and sit at the store and visit…because even though it was a place to buy gas and groceries and sandwiches and snacks and supplies…it was actually so much more. It was a place that connected so many…a place that lingered pleasantly in the minds of anyone who has ever visited Hattieville…the place, in fact, that most people picture when the name Hattieville is mentioned.

When my cousin Nicki retired almost two years ago, the store was sold to new owners, Mike and LaDonna Bicanovsky who enthusiastically worked to expand and update the business to preserve the legacy and tradition of the store.

Beeson's Grocery

However, sometimes good things do come to an end.

Yesterday, I made the familiar drive to Hattieville to see Beeson’s Grocery one more time – because for the first time in over 100 years it has closed its doors. For me, it is a very painful loss….and I am hoping that someone will purchase the business and reopen it once more. For now though, this historic building sits silent and alone.

Famed poet Maya Angelou once said in an interview that spoken words are significant ….they have power and impact….and once they are spoken they “stick forever in the walls” .  I love that.  

The old walls at Beeson’s Grocery are full of so many rich stories and laughter and learning and love.   I am so grateful that I got to be a tiny thread in the beautiful tapestry of vast memories it holds.

Beeson's Grocery
Miss Bernie
Beeson's Grocery
Beeson's Grocery
Beeson's Grocery
Beeson's Grocery

What Kind of Ripples Are We Making?

I was raised to be kind to others….not just to “be nice” when someone talked to me….but to care….to watch others in order to see when someone needed a kind word, or assistance, or encouragement. My parents showed me by example that we should help other people out whenever we can….and I saw each of them do this over and over and over again throughout my life…. They provided me with such valuable lessons, and I am forever grateful.


I don’t drive down highway 76 through Branson West, Missouri all that often….maybe a dozen times a year or so…..but every time I do I am cheered and encouraged when I drive past this Taco Bell.

In fact, believe it or not, I usually smile inwardly and actually feel comforted when I see it.

I know this sounds strange. It has nothing to do with Mexican Pizzas, or burritos, or nachos…. Let me explain…

When my Daddy’s Parkinson disease required him to enter a long-term care facility in Kimberling City at a much-too-young age, for several years (until he passed away) my Mother drove the 50-mile round trip to see him every day. (Every single day!) Daddy’s mind was as sharp as always, and his body was very strong – but his balance and coordination suffered greatly. After several incredibly hard, dangerous falls (with no broken bones ever, thank God!), it was time for some much-needed help.

We were very blessed that he was placed in a private room – and he and Mother would spend the days there together.

Each week, for a change of pace, they would load up in Mother’s van and go riding around for a while or go out to get a bite to eat. One of the places they loved going regularly – was the Taco Bell in Branson West. Going out wasn’t easy! The staff at the care facility would help Daddy get out of his room and safely into the van – but of course, once they left on these driving excursion adventures – they were on their own….

…but not really. Because there are kind and caring people everywhere – people who have learned to watch others in order to see when someone needs a kind word, or assistance, or encouragement….people who are bold enough to step in and take action to help. (This is still true today!)

When Mother and Daddy started going to the Branson West Taco Bell, she would get out and help him walk in – and they would enjoy their meal out together. It was their “date” day! On days when his balance was pretty good, not a lot of assistance was needed…..but as it got worse it became harder for one person alone to assist him.

Then one afternoon as I was driving home from work, Mother called me – excited to tell me about the day. They had gone to Taco Bell as usual, and the staff who had seen them come in each week went above and beyond. Mother said before she could get the van parked and get out to go around and help Daddy – two of the young Taco Bell employees were at his door, smiling and telling him that they would walk in with him. Daddy walked in safely with an employee on each arm – and my parents enjoyed their meal together.

After that, almost every time they pulled up at Taco Bell, employees hurried out to the parking lot to assist them.

It brought Mother and Daddy such joy. It made them feel cared about. It provided Mother with some caregiver relief. It allowed my very social father to make new friends. It was a wonderful, observant, caring act of compassion.

And now – almost 15 years later – the memory of all of those folks and their active compassion continues to cheer, encourage, and inspire me even today. The ripples of kindness that they showed over a decade ago are still active.

It makes me wonder- to stop and evaluate – what do I do each and every day to help those around me? What do I do to see the needs, to listen, to encourage, to support?

What kind of ripples am I making?

They last a lot longer than we can ever know. I want to be sure I leave good ones behind in my wake.

For a narrated version of this story – click below.

International Dark Sky Stargazing in Arkansas

U.S. Dark Sky Places

I grew up in the country – back in the long gone days when evenings were dark. Back then, homes and businesses and streets didn’t have dusk to dawn lighting like they do today – so the night skies were much more brilliant to see. Sitting out on the porch or in the yard on clear evenings to watch the stars was fascinating, because the natural darkness made the millions of twinkling sky lights gloriously spectacular to view….

…So, I have enjoyed stargazing since I was a child. I am always in awe of the many beauties and blessings God created for us to enjoy, and the night skies are one of those lovely wonders.

Last year, I was on vacation in Moab, Utah when I first heard about an organization called DarkSky International. This organization is a U.S. based non profit dedicated to restoring the nighttime environment, as much as realistically possible, through advocacy and conservation efforts…allowing people to travel and view and enjoy the stars in their full beauty. The organization certifies light-protected areas as “International Dark Sky Places” when strict guidelines are met.

Arches National Park in Moab offers a “Stargaze with a Ranger” program on summer evenings – and the program descriptions shared at the Arches Visitor Center made it sound incredibly amazing! On a clear night, the views of stars, planets, the Milky Way, etc. are apparently just mesmerizing. Unfortunately, since I visited in March, I was unable to attend one of the evening programs.

Within the over 3 million square miles of our 48 contiguous states, there are currently only 142 certified “dark sky” places in our country. Most of them (of course) are located in the western states where urban areas are limited and skies are already unaffected by city lights. However, I recently learned that there are a few certified dark sky viewing locations in some other states (see map below)….including one in my home state of Arkansas!

At Tyler Bend Visitor Center on the Buffalo River, the “Experience the Night Skies” program is offered every Saturday from late May to late July. This past Saturday, a couple of friends and I drove down for the presentation.

We arrived just before 9:00 p.m. and parked in the darkened parking lot. Red reflector style lights were in place on the ground to help visitors safely reach the visitor center. After we were all seated inside (there were about 20 people in attendance), Ranger Rory Lindbergh spent about 30 minutes teaching us about what we would be seeing. The room was darkened to allow our eyes to prepare to see the brilliance of the night skies. After the presentation, we had a short break then reconvened outside by the telescope the ranger had set up. Ranger Rory waited a bit to begin the program, to allow our eyes to adjust even more to the dark so that we could better view the skies. (Human eyes take about 20-30 minutes to reach maximum adaptation to darkness.) Then, he enthusiastically taught us about all that we were seeing – pointing out specific stars, constellations, the Milky Way, etc. When a specific star was discussed, we would then take turns viewing it in the telescope.

The presentation was fascinating and informative – but the starry skies were definitely the shining star (no pun intended) of the evening. I wish I could have photographed the beauty to share here- but every picture I took fell so far short of what we were seeing with the naked eye. It was definitely worth driving to Tyler Bend to experience.

If you live in Arkansas, consider checking it out! If you don’t, you can use the “Dark Sky Place” finder to locate an area near you, if interested!

There is now an annual Arkansas Dark-Sky Festival! This year, it is scheduled for September 26th – 28th at the Buffalo River International DarkSky park.

This picture of the night sky as seen from Tyler Bend was taken by Allen Staib and posted on the National Park Service website.

Information on Tyler Bend’s “Experience your Night Skies

Information from the National Park Service on the Buffalo River’s Night Sky Viewing

Information on DarkSky International

Information on Arkansas Dark-Sky Festival

Wayland Holyfield

When I was a child in Mrs. Swofford’s 4th grade classroom, we learned about Arkansas.  I absolutely loved studying and learning about my state.  We explored the history of Arkansas, the development of the state, and also worked to memorize the symbols that identify it. 

For example:

state flower – apple blossom

state bird – mockingbird

state gem – diamond

state grain – rice

state musical instrument – fiddle

state rock – bauxite 

The state song at the time, I believe, was a song called Arkansas – written in 1916 by Eva Ware Barnett.  In 1987, however, this song was elevated to “state anthem” and a new official state song was adopted.

“Arkansas, You Run Deep in Me” was written by Wayland Holyfield.  I loved it the very first time I heard it – and in fact, it still touches my heart every single time it plays.  If I put together a bulleted list of things about Arkansas to be celebrated,  they would pretty much all be included in this song and video.

I can remember when AETN, the Arkansas PBS station, would sign off every evening at midnight with a video rendition of this song – and if I were awake I would usually turn over the channel to watch it.  

The song’s composer, Wayland Holyfield,  was born in Conway County Arkansas, in 1942.  In 1972, he left Arkansas and moved to Nashville – with a dream of becoming a songwriter.  Success didn’t take too long for Mr. Holyfield – his first song was recorded in 1973.  Throughout his career, his songs were recorded by artists John Anderson, Brooks & Dunn, Mickey Gilley, Barbara Mandrell, Charly McClain, Anne Murray, The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, The Oak Ridge Boys, Reba McEntire, Charley Pride, Statler Brothers, George Strait, Mel Tillis, Ernest Tubb, Conway Twitty, Tammy Wynette, and many, many, many more.  

A member of the Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame, he impressively wrote (and co-wrote) many songs – with over 40 hits that reached the top ten – 14 of which went to #1. Some of his best-known songs are the beautiful “Could I Have This Dance” (Anne Murray), “Some Broken Hearts Never Mend” (Don Williams), “Til The Rivers All Run Dry” (Don Williams), “You’re the Best Break This Old Heart Ever Had” (Ed Bruce), “Only Here For a Little While” (Billy Dean), and “Nobody Likes Sad Songs” (Ronnie Milsap).

Mr. Holyfield passed away this week in Nashville, Tennessee at the age of 82

My favorite song that he wrote will always be his love song to my home state of Arkansas.

Thank you, Mr. Holyfield. 

After publishing this blog, I found out that in 2021 Mr. Holyfield generously donated the rights to “Arkansas, You Run Deep in Me” to the Arkansas Community Foundation, a nonprofit organization based in Little Rock that awards grants for charitable programs around the state. Having known a few songwriters in my day, I know how valuable song rights can be – both personally and financially. What a generous gift! On the Arkansas Community Foundation website, Mr. Holyfield is quoted saying “I want my song to continue to inspire Arkansans for years to come. Gifting the rights to Arkansas Community Foundation ensures the songs legacy, and will hopefully inspire Arkansans to appreciate our state, its generosity and the support of essential nonprofits,” said Holyfield. “I’m so pleased the Community Foundation has found a way to use my words and music in their efforts.”

The Community Foundation produced a video using the song, and it is spectacular. Click below to see (first) the original video to the song. Then, please take the time to watch the second (updated) version produced by the Community Foundation. They are worth your time.

Arkansas You Run Deep In Me

Arkansas You Run Deep in Me
by Wayland Holyfield

October morning in the Ozark Mountains,
Hills ablazing like that sun in the sky.
I fell in love there and the fire’s still burning
A flame that will never die.


Oh, I may wander, but when I do
I will never be far from you.
You’re in my blood and I know you’ll always be.
Arkansas, you run deep in me.
Moonlight dancing on a delta levee,
To a band of frogs and whippoorwill
I lost my heart there one July evening
And it’s still there, I can tell.

Repeat Chorus

Magnolia blooming, Mama smiling,
Mallards sailing on a December wind.
God bless the memories I keep recalling
Like an old familiar friend.

Repeat Chorus

And there’s a river rambling through the fields and valleys,
Smooth and steady as she makes her way south,
A lot like the people whose name she carries.
She goes strong and she goes proud.

Repeat Chorus

Adopted by the 1987 General Assembly as an Official State Song.

You can download a free MP3 file of the song from the state website by clicking here.

Broken Bits

My Pap-pa was born in the little community of Rex, Arkansas…..a place I had never heard of until after his passing. We never really talked about where he was born…in fact, throughout his life he wasn’t even completely certain what year he was born…..but that’s another pretty good story for another time! 🙂

My Mother, always the explorer, decided that we needed to find out more about her daddy’s birthplace….so on a warm summer day about 24 years ago, we did just that.

After a little research, Mother and I drove up a dirt road in Van Buren County to the small mountain community of Rex. I was feeling doubtful that we would be able to locate any information about Pap-pa’s birthplace since over 80 years had passed….but goodness! I should have known better. First, I feel very confident that Mother had already prayed for success that day….and the Lord listens. Second, when Mother was determined she was determined…and so we drove along until we passed a house with some folks out in the yard. Pulling over – Mother got out, introduced herself, and talked with them a bit. The gentleman gave her directions to an older couple’s home just down the road a ways who had lived in the area all their lives, saying they would possibly have the answers Mother was looking for……

So……onward we went…pulling up in the couple’s driveway just after lunchtime… They were such sweet people (somewhere in their 90’s), and listened carefully as Mother explained why we were there. They were eager and happy to help in any way they could. I’m embarrassed to admit that I don’t remember their names. I so wish I did. For the purpose of this story, I will call them Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

Mr. Smith assured us he knew exactly where my great-grandparents’ house once stood – the house where my Pap-pa was born. He remembered it well from his childhood. In fact, he told us, he could also take us to the homeplace of my great-great grandparents as well. Mother and I were grateful – and excited to see both places.

I thought this meant we would drive, but that was definitely not the case…. Starting out by crawling under a barbed wire fence, we walked quite a ways through several cow pastures, crawling under a few more fences before we came to an obvious rock foundation of an old home…..sitting quietly and alone – far removed from roads or towns. A few burned boards, almost completely rotted away, were all that was left of the structure itself. Mr. Smith assured us that this was the place, telling us that Ike and Sarah (I was surprised and impressed that he knew and remembered the names of my great-grandparents) had built the home and lived there when they started their family. However, after their first son, Woodrow and later their second, my Pap-pa (Clifford) were born, the house burned, causing them to move down off the mountain never to return. The abandoned remains of the house had been left to the elements and the animals for over 8 decades.

As I walked around inside the old foundation of the little house, I found some small broken bits of china and stoneware – remnants of dishes and bowls belonging to a great grandmother I do not remember. I gathered as many as I could find and put them in my pocket, taking them back through the pastures with me – this time traveling a longer, different route to visit the site of my great-great grandparents’ home place as well. It was so interesting and such fun.

When we finally returned to Mother’s van, I wrapped the little pieces up in an old, crumpled paper towel Mother had in the car…..later placing the little bundle in a bottom dresser drawer when I got home….and that’s where they stayed for another 2+ decades.

One autumn a few years ago, while attending a Laura Ingalls Wilder celebration dinner in Mansfield, MO – a benefit auction item caught my attention. One of Mrs. Wilder’s plates had shattered, and the museum staff had taken the broken pieces to a jeweler in Springfield, MO who had turned them into beautiful jewelry pieces. I quickly thought of the broken pieces of my great-grandmother’s dishes I had saved all these years….and decided to see what could be done with them.

The next spring, on my Mother’s 78th birthday, I took a day off from work to spend it with her. We went out to eat, shopping, and sightseeing…..and to Gerzens’ Jewelry in Springfield, Missouri. John Gerzen, the jeweler, and Mother worked together to pick the pieces she liked and then tried different patterns for putting them together. They narrowed the possible choices down to 2 or 3….and we left to give her time to think about it.

Unfortunately, the necklace was soon forgotten. Mother began her fight with cancer and other plans drifted to the background…

The broken bits, still in that same ancient paper towel, went back to the dresser drawer….until this year. Several weeks ago, I took them back to Gerzen’s Jewelry in Springfield, MO and finally the now over 100 year old pieces were made into a necklace….

I was so excited when I got the call that the necklace was finished. I couldn’t wait to see the finished piece…..and I was so pleased with Mr. Gerzen’s work. To me, it’s so unique and so pretty.

The best part though, is that when I wear it (as I did today), I think of my Mother….and my Pap-pa, and my great-grandmother Sarah….

I am so very happy to have it.