What Kind of Ripples Are We Making?

I was raised to be kind to others….not just to “be nice” when someone talked to me….but to care….to watch others in order to see when someone needed a kind word, or assistance, or encouragement. My parents showed me by example that we should help other people out whenever we can….and I saw each of them do this over and over and over again throughout my life…. They provided me with such valuable lessons, and I am forever grateful.


I don’t drive down highway 76 through Branson West, Missouri all that often….maybe a dozen times a year or so…..but every time I do I am cheered and encouraged when I drive past this Taco Bell.

In fact, believe it or not, I usually smile inwardly and actually feel comforted when I see it.

I know this sounds strange. It has nothing to do with Mexican Pizzas, or burritos, or nachos…. Let me explain…

When my Daddy’s Parkinson disease required him to enter a long-term care facility in Kimberling City at a much-too-young age, for several years (until he passed away) my Mother drove the 50-mile round trip to see him every day. (Every single day!) Daddy’s mind was as sharp as always, and his body was very strong – but his balance and coordination suffered greatly. After several incredibly hard, dangerous falls (with no broken bones ever, thank God!), it was time for some much-needed help.

We were very blessed that he was placed in a private room – and he and Mother would spend the days there together.

Each week, for a change of pace, they would load up in Mother’s van and go riding around for a while or go out to get a bite to eat. One of the places they loved going regularly – was the Taco Bell in Branson West. Going out wasn’t easy! The staff at the care facility would help Daddy get out of his room and safely into the van – but of course, once they left on these driving excursion adventures – they were on their own….

…but not really. Because there are kind and caring people everywhere – people who have learned to watch others in order to see when someone needs a kind word, or assistance, or encouragement….people who are bold enough to step in and take action to help. (This is still true today!)

When Mother and Daddy started going to the Branson West Taco Bell, she would get out and help him walk in – and they would enjoy their meal out together. It was their “date” day! On days when his balance was pretty good, not a lot of assistance was needed…..but as it got worse it became harder for one person alone to assist him.

Then one afternoon as I was driving home from work, Mother called me – excited to tell me about the day. They had gone to Taco Bell as usual, and the staff who had seen them come in each week went above and beyond. Mother said before she could get the van parked and get out to go around and help Daddy – two of the young Taco Bell employees were at his door, smiling and telling him that they would walk in with him. Daddy walked in safely with an employee on each arm – and my parents enjoyed their meal together.

After that, almost every time they pulled up at Taco Bell, employees hurried out to the parking lot to assist them.

It brought Mother and Daddy such joy. It made them feel cared about. It provided Mother with some caregiver relief. It allowed my very social father to make new friends. It was a wonderful, observant, caring act of compassion.

And now – almost 15 years later – the memory of all of those folks and their active compassion continues to cheer, encourage, and inspire me even today. The ripples of kindness that they showed over a decade ago are still active.

It makes me wonder- to stop and evaluate – what do I do each and every day to help those around me? What do I do to see the needs, to listen, to encourage, to support?

What kind of ripples am I making?

They last a lot longer than we can ever know. I want to be sure I leave good ones behind in my wake.

For a narrated version of this story – click below.

Exquisite Creatures

Crystal Bridges Exquisite Creatures Entrance

This past May, I purchased tickets to see two different temporary exhibits that are currently being presented at Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, Arkansas. The first exhibit was the one I was most excited about…..and the reason I was going. The second exhibit, titled “Exquisite Creatures”, was more of an afterthought – an add-on to experience since I was going to the museum anyway… As it turned out, “Exquisite Creatures” was so….exquisite….that I liked it much better than almost anything I have ever seen at this venue.

Crystal Bridges Exquisite Creatures Entrance
Crystal Bridges Exquisite Creatures Entrance

This unique and intriguing exhibit was created by artist, designer, photographer, and author Christopher Marley. According to his website biography, his life’s work is to broaden the world’s appreciation for the earth’s amazing organisms and minerals. With the help of a worldwide network of people and institutions that share his passion for nature, he collects an incredible variety of flora and fauna and more with which to create his designs. I cannot begin to imagine the effort this takes.

I was not really certain what to expect when I visited Crystal Bridges to see the exhibit. Entering the gallery, the first pieces I saw were delicate wall presentations made from real butterflies. They were unbelievably beautiful. As with so many things, these pictures do not do them justice. I was immediately hooked – and excited to see all that this experience had to offer.

The next section featured……a lot of bugs …. insects to be more precise, carefully arranged and brilliantly lit. Some of them were honestly so pretty – with such brilliant natural colors reflecting the lights – they actually resembled precious jewels. The artist’s talent and attention to detail in designing these pieces were extraordinary. The colors, shapes, and textures blended beautifully.

Another section utilized incredibly delicate shells from around the world. The variety and intricate details were fun to see and study.

And then…….the next section definitely got my attention! Snakes have always been something I have tried to avoid. I don’t even like seeing pictures of them! However, the art that Christopher Marley had designed using colorful and unique snakes from around the globe was so lovely that I forgot to be bothered by the fears we often assign to these creatures. I was mesmerized by the intricate details and incredible variety when seeing these creatures up close.

The exhibit also included rocks, and roses, and sea creatures, and so much more….each design carefully created and constructed from the actual natural objects.

For me, this art exhibit was beautiful, educational, inspirational,…..and emotional. I couldn’t help but be overwhelmed by the variety, detail, and beauty the Lord has provided for us. There are so many examples of His wondrous designs, which to me reflects how deeply He cares for us. It was an absolutely wonderful exhibit – and I am so glad I visited!

If you’re interested, I encourage you to go!  The price of admission is $12.

The exhibit is temporary – so check Crystal Bridges’ website for information. It’s definitely worth your time!

International Dark Sky Stargazing in Arkansas

U.S. Dark Sky Places

I grew up in the country – back in the long gone days when evenings were dark. Back then, homes and businesses and streets didn’t have dusk to dawn lighting like they do today – so the night skies were much more brilliant to see. Sitting out on the porch or in the yard on clear evenings to watch the stars was fascinating, because the natural darkness made the millions of twinkling sky lights gloriously spectacular to view….

…So, I have enjoyed stargazing since I was a child. I am always in awe of the many beauties and blessings God created for us to enjoy, and the night skies are one of those lovely wonders.

Last year, I was on vacation in Moab, Utah when I first heard about an organization called DarkSky International. This organization is a U.S. based non profit dedicated to restoring the nighttime environment, as much as realistically possible, through advocacy and conservation efforts…allowing people to travel and view and enjoy the stars in their full beauty. The organization certifies light-protected areas as “International Dark Sky Places” when strict guidelines are met.

Arches National Park in Moab offers a “Stargaze with a Ranger” program on summer evenings – and the program descriptions shared at the Arches Visitor Center made it sound incredibly amazing! On a clear night, the views of stars, planets, the Milky Way, etc. are apparently just mesmerizing. Unfortunately, since I visited in March, I was unable to attend one of the evening programs.

Within the over 3 million square miles of our 48 contiguous states, there are currently only 142 certified “dark sky” places in our country. Most of them (of course) are located in the western states where urban areas are limited and skies are already unaffected by city lights. However, I recently learned that there are a few certified dark sky viewing locations in some other states (see map below)….including one in my home state of Arkansas!

At Tyler Bend Visitor Center on the Buffalo River, the “Experience the Night Skies” program is offered every Saturday from late May to late July. This past Saturday, a couple of friends and I drove down for the presentation.

We arrived just before 9:00 p.m. and parked in the darkened parking lot. Red reflector style lights were in place on the ground to help visitors safely reach the visitor center. After we were all seated inside (there were about 20 people in attendance), Ranger Rory Lindbergh spent about 30 minutes teaching us about what we would be seeing. The room was darkened to allow our eyes to prepare to see the brilliance of the night skies. After the presentation, we had a short break then reconvened outside by the telescope the ranger had set up. Ranger Rory waited a bit to begin the program, to allow our eyes to adjust even more to the dark so that we could better view the skies. (Human eyes take about 20-30 minutes to reach maximum adaptation to darkness.) Then, he enthusiastically taught us about all that we were seeing – pointing out specific stars, constellations, the Milky Way, etc. When a specific star was discussed, we would then take turns viewing it in the telescope.

The presentation was fascinating and informative – but the starry skies were definitely the shining star (no pun intended) of the evening. I wish I could have photographed the beauty to share here- but every picture I took fell so far short of what we were seeing with the naked eye. It was definitely worth driving to Tyler Bend to experience.

If you live in Arkansas, consider checking it out! If you don’t, you can use the “Dark Sky Place” finder to locate an area near you, if interested!

There is now an annual Arkansas Dark-Sky Festival! This year, it is scheduled for September 26th – 28th at the Buffalo River International DarkSky park.

This picture of the night sky as seen from Tyler Bend was taken by Allen Staib and posted on the National Park Service website.

Information on Tyler Bend’s “Experience your Night Skies

Information from the National Park Service on the Buffalo River’s Night Sky Viewing

Information on DarkSky International

Information on Arkansas Dark-Sky Festival