A few days ago, a friend of mine walked into a local preschool on a needed errand. As she entered the building, a little girl about three or four years old walked by. She was wearing a princess dress, a costume really, and bright, glittery boots. It was obvious she loved her little outfit and felt very dressed up, confident, and happy. In fact, she was proudly twisting just a bit back and forth to swish her pretty skirt first this way and that. Smiling and looking up sweetly at my friend, the little girl wanted to make sure her pretty outfit was noticed.
Bending down, my friend smiled back at the little girl and told her, “I like your dress”.
The little girl beamed happily and crooked her little finger, beckoning my friend to lean closer to her. “I’ll tell you a secret”, the bright, happy child whispered.
“What is it?”, my friend inquired.
Dramatically, the little girl leaned forward. “I have a bathing suit on under my dress!”, she said proudly.
“A bathing suit in January!?”, my friend replied, “Why are you wearing a bathing suit???”
The little girl cocked her head to one side, lifted her little finger up to emphasize her point, and with twinkly eyes and a bright smile she enthusiastically said, “Just in case!” Then she moved on down the hall with her class.
When my friend told me the story, I asked, “Just in case what???”
“I have no idea,” she said, “but whatever it is, she’s ready for it!”
I’ve thought a lot about this little girl. So often, we spend our days thinking about the responsibilities facing us, of the practical things we need to accomplish, and even sometimes of sadnesses and the worries and cares of the day.
What if, instead, we started each day with a happy “just in case” thought? What if we excitedly prepared for unexpected joys and searched for the blessings in each day?
I think it’s a lesson worth learning.
Thank you, little princess.