Anybody out there like fresh peaches? I know I sure do…..but I will never look at them the same way after today…..because I read an article by Cindy Lubbering, a home-town friend I have known for many years. She has written a beautiful, meaningful, and thought-provoking piece paying tribute to her parents….. but also providing a wonderful challenge for each of us…I contacted Cindy this afternoon and asked her if I could post her story, wanting to share with others, and she has graciously agreed. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did. If so, please comment and let her know – or send me a message and I will pass it along.

The Peach Tree

Fresh Peaches
The Seeds We Sow
By Guest Writer Cindy Lubbering
When you first glance at these pictures you might think, ”What’s the big deal? Nothing special about a few peaches and a peach tree.” But to me, the tree and peaches have a far deeper and more profound meaning.
This peach tree grows just over the fence next to my parent’s home. It has grown in the spot where we tossed food scraps for years. Obviously, a peach seed was among those scraps at one time and happened to take root.
Frankly, I didn’t even realize the tree was fruit bearing until Gregg called it to my attention lately. He brought in the sweetest peaches I have ever tasted. Gregg told me that he picked them from my parent’s peach tree.
The tree that they never realized they planted.
Now this peach tree has been slowly growing through the years and finally bore fruit.
The tree got me to thinking about other kinds of seeds my parents unknowingly planted throughout the years.
They planted seeds about Jesus in the many, many three year olds that attended their Sunday school class for the more than forty years that they taught.
They planted seeds in the community, living and working among friends and neighbors who sometimes needed a helping hand.
They planted seeds within our own family by living Christian lives and being examples of always doing what is good and honorable for my sister and I and their grandchildren.
My parents are both gone, but the seeds they planted are still producing fruit just as the peach tree is that grows near their backyard.
Let us all be mindful that the seeds we plant today will one day bear fruit, good or bad.
Galatians 6:7
Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that he will also reap.